Suggestions for the First-Time User

Try the following suggestions to familiarize yourself with QuickCase:W.

Experiment with the different parts of the program to learn how to label the window, add menus to the menu bar, and add commands to a menu. (The following chapter tells you how.)

Generate a simple program and open the source file and header files in the Graphical Development Environment. Take a look at how QuickCase:W structures its code.

Generate a program using different comment levels. Look at the source files after each generation and decide which level of comments you prefer.

Learning-by-doing is one of the best ways to understand QuickCase:W. As you become experienced with the prototyper, you'll probably want to experiment with more of its options.

The next two chapters, “Developing Interfaces with QuickCase:W” and “QuickCase:W Reference,” describe the features you'll use immediately and the ones you'll use as you gain expertise.