The EXETYPE Statement

The EXETYPE statement specifies under which operating system the application or DLL is to run. This statement is necessary for a Windows application or DLL.

Summary: Syntax


Summary: Remarks

The EXETYPE keyword is followed by a descriptor of the operating system, either WINDOWS (for WINDOWS applications and DLLs), or UNKNOWN (for other applications). Be sure to specify EXETYPE WINDOWS; the default without a descriptor or an EXETYPE statement is the keyword OS2, which is incompatible with Windows.

The WINDOWS descriptor takes an optional version number. Windows reads this number to determine the minimum version of Windows needed to load the application or DLL. For example, if 3.0 is specified, the resulting application or DLL can run under Windows versions 3.0 and higher. If version is not specified, the default is 3.0. The syntax for version is

number[[.[[number]] ]]

where each number is a decimal integer.

In Windows programming, use the EXETYPE statement with a PROTMODE statement to specify an application or DLL that runs only under protected-mode Windows.