Type and Variable Sizes

The LENGTH, SIZE, and TYPE operators have a limited meaning in inline assembly. They cannot be used at all with the DUP operator (because you can-not define data with MASM directives or operators). But you can use them to find the size of C variables or types:

The LENGTH operator can return the number of elements in an array. It returns the value 1 for nonarray variables.

The SIZE operator can return the size of a C variable. A variable's size is the product of its LENGTH and TYPE.

The TYPE operator can return the size of a C type or variable. If the variable is an array, TYPE returns the size of a single element of the array.

For instance, if your program has an eight-element int array,

int arr[8];

the following C and assembly expressions yield the size of arr and its

__asm C Size

LENGTH arr sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]) 8
SIZE arr sizeof(arr) 16
TYPE arr sizeof(arr[0]) 2


Instructions in an __asm block can use assembly-language comments:

__asm mov ax, offset buff ; Load address of buff

Because C macros expand into a single logical line, avoid using assembly-language comments in macros (see the section “Defining __asm Blocks as
C Macros,” below). An __asm block can also contain C-style comments, as
noted below.

Debugging with the CodeView(R) Debugger

Programs containing inline assembly code can be debugged with the CodeView debugger, assuming you compile with the /Zi option.

Note that putting multiple assembly instructions or C statements on one line can hamper debugging with CodeView. In source mode, the CodeView debugger lets you set breakpoints on a single line but not on individual statements on the same line. The same principle applies to an __asm block defined as a C macro, which expands to a single logical line.