Windows Data Types

In addition to C data types, Windows has its own types for use with the many Windows functions. Windows data types are defined in the WINDOWS.H include file. This file is an ordinary C-language file that contains definitions for all the Windows special constants, data structures, functions, and variables. You must include the WINDOWS.H file in each source file.

Some of the more common data types you'll encounter in a Windows program are listed in Table B.1.

Table 0.1 Windows Data Types

Type Description

BYTE unsigned char
DWORD unsigned long
HANDLE unsigned int
HWND handle to a window
LONG signed long
WORD unsigned int

In addition to its own data types, Windows makes extensive use of structures. Some of the more common structures are listed in Table B.2.

Table 0.2 Windows Data Structures

Structure Description

MSG input message
PAINTSTRUCT paint structure used to draw a window
RECT rectangle
WNDCLASS window class