basic data types::The integral, enumerated, floating-point, and pointer types in the C language.
binary file::A file that is not used for text processing. It may be an executable file, a data file, or some other nontext file.
binary format::A method of data representation in which data are stored directly from memory to disk with no translations. In binary format, numeric values are stored as binary numbers and are not translated to ASCII characters.
binary mode::A method of accessing files in which no translations are performed. There is no specific end-of-file character.
binary operator::An operator that takes two operands. Binary operators in the C language are the multiplicative operators (*/), additive operators (+ –), shift operators (<< >>), relational operators (< > <= >= == !=), bitwise operators (& | ^), logical operators (&& ||), and the sequential-evaluation operator (,).
bit::A binary digit (either 0 or 1), the smallest unit of information used with computers. Eight bits make up one byte.
bit field::A type of structure that allows manipulation of individual bits or groups of bits.
bit-mapped font::A font in which each character is defined by (mapped to) the bits of an array.
bitwise operator: :An operator used to manipulate bits in an integer expression. Bitwise operators in the C language are & (AND), | (inclusive OR), ^ (exclusive OR), << (left shift), >> (right shift), and ~ (one's complement).
block::A sequence of declarations, definitions, and statements enclosed within curly braces ({}).
bounding rectangle::An imaginary rectangle that defines the outer limits of a rounded shape such as an ellipse, arc, or pie.
byte::The unit of measure used for computer memory and data storage. One byte contains eight bits and can store one ASCII character.