
Version 3.0


DWORD GetWinFlags()

This function returns a 32-bit value containing flags which specify the memory configuration under which Windows is running.

This function has no parameters.

Return Value

The return value contains flags specifying the current memory configuration. These flags may be any of the following values:

Value Meaning

WF_80x87 System contains an Intel math coprocessor.
WF_CPU086 System CPU is an 8086.
WF_CPU186 System CPU is an 80186.
WF_CPU286 System CPU is an 80286.
WF_CPU386 System CPU is an 80386.
WF_CPU486 System CPU is an 80486.
WF_ENHANCED Windows is running in 386 enhanced mode. The WF_PMODE flag is always set when WF_ENHANCED is set.
WF_LARGEFRAME Windows is running in EMS large-frame memory configuration.
WF_PMODE Windows is running in protected mode. This flag is always set when either WF_ENHANCED or WF_STANDARD is set.
WF_SMALLFRAME Windows is running in EMS small-frame memory configuration.
WF_STANDARD Windows is running in standard mode. The WF_PMODE flag is always set when WF_STANDARD is set.

If neither WF_ENHANCED nor WF_STANDARD is set, Windows is running in real mode.