

DWORD DefHookProc(code,wParam,lParam,lplpfnNextHook)

This function calls the next function in a chain of hook functions. A hook function is a function that processes events before they are sent to an application's message-processing loop in the WinMain function. When an application defines more than one hook function by using the SetWindowsHook function, Windows forms a linked list or hook chain. Windows places functions of the same type in a chain.

Parameter Type/Description  

code int Specifies a code used by the Windows hook function (also called the message filter function) to determine how to process the message.  
wParam WORD Specifies the word parameter of the message that the hook function is processing.  
lParam DWORD Specifies the long parameter of the message that the hook function is processing.  
lplpfnNextHook FARPROC FAR * Points to a memory location that contains the FARPROC structure returned by the SetWindowsHook function. Windows changes the value at this location after an application calls the UnhookWindowsHook function.  

Return Value

The return value specifies a value that is directly related to the code parameter.