Communication-Device Status

The COMSTAT structure contains information about a communications device.

typedef struct tagCOMSTAT {

BYTE fCtsHold: 1;

BYTE fDsrHold: 1;

BYTE fRlsdHold: 1;

BYTE fXoffHold: 1;

BYTE fXoffSent: 1;

BYTE fEof: 1;

BYTE fTxim: 1;

WORD cbInQue;

WORD cbOutQue;


The COMSTAT structure has the following fields:

Field Description  
fCtsHold: 1 Specifies whether transmission is waiting for the clear-to-send (CTS) signal to be sent.  
fDsrHold: 1 Specifies whether transmission is waiting for the data-set-ready (DSR) signal to be sent.  
fRlsdHold: 1 Specifies whether transmission is waiting for the receive-line-signal-detect (RLSD) signal to be sent.  
fXoffHold: 1 Specifies whether transmission is waiting as a result of the XoffChar character being received.  
fXoffSent: 1 Specifies whether transmission is waiting as a result of the XoffChar character being transmitted. Transmission halts when the XoffChar character is transmitted and used by systems that take the next character as XON, regardless of the actual character.  
fEof: 1 Specifies whether the EofChar character has been received.  
fTxim: 1 Specifies whether a character is waiting to be transmitted.  
cbInQue Specifies the number of characters in the receive queue.  
cbOutQue Specifies the number of characters in the transmit queue.  

See Also

The GetCommError function in Chapter 4, “Functions Directory.”