

HWND GetNextWindow(hWnd,wFlag)

This function searches for a handle that identifies the next (or previous) window in the window-manager's list. The window-manager's list contains entries for all top-level windows, their associated child windows, and the child windows of any child windows. If the hWnd parameter is a handle to a top-level window, the function searches for the next (or previous) handle to a top-level window; if hWnd is a handle to a child window, the function searches for a handle to the next (or previous) child window.

Parameter Type/Description  

hWnd HWND Identifies the current window.  
wFlag WORD Specifies whether the function returns a handle to the next window or to the previous window. It can be either of the following values:  
  Value Meaning
  GW_HWNDNEXT The function returns a handle to the next window.
  GW_HWNDPREV The function returns a handle to the previous window.

Return Value

The return value identifies the next (or the previous) window in the window-manager's list.