
Version 3.0


BOOL RemoveMenu(hMenu,nPosition,wFlags)

This function deletes an menu item with an associated pop-up menu from the menu identified by the hMenu parameter but does not destroy the handle for the pop-up menu, allowing the menu to be reused. Before calling this function, the application should call GetSubMenu to retrieve the pop-up menu handle.

Parameter Type/Description  

hMenu HMENU Identifies the menu to be changed.  
nPosition WORD Specifies the menu item to be removed. The interpretation of the nPosition parameter depends upon the setting of the wFlags parameter.  
  If wFlags is: nPosition
  MF_BYCOMMAND Specifies the command ID of the existing menu item.
  MF_BYPOSITION Specifies the position of the menu item. The first item in the menu is at position zero.
wFlags WORD Specifies how the nPosition parameter is interpreted. It must be either MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_BYPOSITION.  

Return Value

The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is FALSE.


Whenever a menu changes (whether or not the menu resides in a window that is displayed), the application should call DrawMenuBar.