int LoadString(hInstance,wID,lpBuffer,nBufferMax)
This function loads a string resource identified by the wID parameter from the executable file associated with the module specified by the hInstance parameter. The function copies the string into the buffer pointed to by the lpBuffer parameter, and appends a terminating null character.
Parameter | Type/Description |
hInstance | HANDLE Identifies an instance of the module whose executable file contains the string resource. | |
wID | WORD Specifies the integer identifier of the string to be loaded. | |
lpBuffer | LPSTR Points to the buffer that receives the string. | |
nBufferMax | int Specifies the maximum number of characters to be copied to the buffer. The string is truncated if it is longer than the number of characters specified. |
The return value specifies the actual number of characters copied into the buffer. It is zero if the string resource does not exist.