

HBITMAP CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC,nWidth,nHeight)

This function creates a bitmap that is compatible with the device specified by the hDC parameter. The bitmap has the same number of color planes or the same bits-per-pixel format as the specified device. It can be selected as the current bitmap for any memory device that is compatible with the one specified by hDC.

If hDC is a memory device context, the bitmap returned has the same format as the currently selected bitmap in that device context. A memory device context is a block of memory that represents a display surface. It can be used to prepare images in memory before copying them to the actual display surface of the compatible device.

When a memory device context is created, GDI automatically selects a monochrome stock bitmap for it.

Since a color memory device context can have either color or monochrome bitmaps selected, the format of the bitmap returned by the CreateCompatibleBitmap function is not always the same; however, the format of a compatible bitmap for a nonmemory device context is always in the format of the device.

Parameter Type/Description  

hDC HDC Identifies the device context.  
nWidth int Specifies the width (in bits) of the bitmap.  
nHeight int Specifies the height (in bits) of the bitmap.  

Return Value

The return value identifies a bitmap if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.