
short Escape(hDC, SET_MIRROR_MODE, sizeof(WORD),lpInData, (LPSTR)NULL)

This escape sets the current mirror mode. The mirror mode produces mirror images along the horizontal axis, the vertical axis, or both axes.

To produce a mirror image of a given page, the application issues the SET_MIRROR_MODE escape before drawing the first primitive to be mirrored. When the last mirrored primitive has been drawn, the application issues a second SET_MIRROR_MODE escape to turn off mirroring.

Parameter Type/Description  

hDC HDC Identifies the device context.  
lpMirrorMode LPINT Points to a short integer that specifies the mirror mode. It must be one of the following values:  
  Value Meaning
  MIRROR_NONE (0) Disable mirroring.
  MIRROR_HORIZONTAL (1) Mirror along the horizontal axis.
  MIRROR_VERTICAL (2) Mirror along the ver-tical axis.
  MIRROR_BOTH (3) Mirror along both axes.

Return Value

The return value is the previous mirror mode.


The default mirror mode is MIRROR_NONE.

Mirrored and unmirrored output can be mixed on a page. This allows the application to produce mirrored output with unmirrored page labels, crop marks, and so on.