1.18 Rectangle Functions

Rectangle functions alter and obtain information about rectangles in a window's client area. In Windows, a rectangle is defined by a RECT data structure. The structure contains two points: the upper-left and lower-right corners of the rectangle. The sides of a rectangle extend from these two points and are parallel to the x-and y-axes. The following list briefly describes each rectangle function:

Function Description  
CopyRect Makes a copy of an existing rectangle.  
EqualRect Determines whether two rectangles are equal.  
InflateRect Expands or shrinks the specified rectangle.  
IntersectRect Finds the intersection of two rectangles.  
OffsetRect Moves a given rectangle.  
PtInRect Indicates whether a specified point lies within a given rectangle.  
SetRectEmpty Sets a rectangle to an empty rectangle.  
UnionRect Stores the union of two rectangles.