

DWORD SetMapperFlags(hDC,dwFlag)

This function alters the algorithm that the font mapper uses when it maps logical fonts to physical fonts. When the first bit of the wFlag parameter is set to 1, the mapper will only select fonts whose x-aspect and y-aspect exactly match those of the specified device. If no fonts exist with a matching aspect height and width, GDI chooses an aspect height and width and selects fonts with aspect heights and widths that match the one chosen by GDI.

Parameter Type/Description  

hDC HDC Identifies the device context that contains the font-mapper flag.  
dwFlag DWORD Specifies whether the font mapper attempts to match a font's aspect height and width to the device. When the first bit is set to 1, the mapper will only select fonts whose x-aspect and y-aspect exactly match those of the specified device.  

Return Value

The return value specifies the previous value of the font-mapper flag.


The remaining bits of the dwFlag parameter must be zero.