Each QuickWin window has a display buffer. The size of the buffer determines how much text is stored for viewing when scrolling back through the window.
The default buffer size is 2048 bytes.
To change the buffer size use the _wsetscreenbuf function. Pass the function a window handle from _wopen or use fileno for the default output window (stdout) and an integer that specifies the number of bytes the buffer should store.
Several constant values are available for setting the buffer size. They include:
The default screen buffer size
An infinite sized screen buffer
Causes the function to return the current buffer size
For example, to set the screen buffer size for the inputWind window:
_wscreenbuf(inputWind, _WINBUFINF);
The function returns 0 if the operation is successful. If the _WINBUFQUERY argument is used, the function returns the size of the buffer.
To find the current size of a window's screen buffer, call the _wgetscreenbuf function. You pass it the handle to the window whose buffer you want to know, and it returns the windows' buffer size (in bytes) in a long integer.