Window-Creation Structure

The CREATESTRUCT structure defines the initialization parameters passed to an application's window function.

typedef struct tagCREATESTRUCT {

LPSTR lpCreateParams;

HANDLE hInstance;


HWND hwndParent;

int cy;

int cx;

int y;

int x;

long style;

LPSTR lpszName;

LPSTR lpszClass;

long ExStyle;


The CREATESTRUCT structure has the following fields:

Field Description  
lpCreateParams Points to data to be used for creating the window.  
hInstance Identifies the module-instance handle of the module that owns the new window.  
hMenu Identifies the menu to be used by the new window.  
hwndParent Identifies the window that owns the new window. This field is NULL if the new window is a top-level window.  
cy Specifies the height of the new window.  
cx Specifies the width of the new window.  
y Specifies the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the new window. Coordinates are relative to the parent window if the new window is a child window. Otherwise, the coordinates are relative to the screen origin.  
x Specifies the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the new window. Coordinates are relative to the parent window if the new window is a child window. Otherwise, the coordinates are relative to the screen origin.  
style Specifies the new window's style.  
lpszName Points to a null-terminated character string that specifies the new window's name.  
lpszClass Points to a null-terminated character string that specifies the new window's class name.  
ExStyle Specifies extended style for the new window.