scope::The parts of a program in which an item can be referenced by name. The scope of an item may be limited to the file, function, block, or function prototype in which it appears.

single precision::A real (floating-point) value that occupies four bytes of memory. Single-precision values are accurate to seven decimal places.

sizeof operator::A C operator that returns the amount of storage, in bytes, associated with an identifier or a type.

source file::A text file containing C language code.

standard error::The device to which a program sends its error messages unless the error output is redirected. In normal DOS operation, standard error is the display. The predefined stream stderr is associated with standard error in the C language.

standard input::The device from which a program reads its input unless the input is redirected. In normal DOS operation, standard input is the keyboard. The predefined stream stdin is associated with standard input in the C language.

standard output::The device to which a program sends its output unless the output is redirected. In normal DOS operation, standard output is the display. The predefined stream stdout is associated with standard output in the C language.

static linking::To link a library with an application at link time.

static variable::A variable that keeps its value even after the program exits the block in which the variable is declared.

stream::A sequence of bytes flowing into (input) or out of (output) a program.

stream functions::Run-time library functions that treat data files and data items as “streams” of individual characters.

string::An array of characters, terminated by a null character (\0).

string constant::A string of characters and escape sequences enclosed in double quotes (“”). Every string constant is an array of elements of type char. See “character constant.”

structure::A set of elements, which may be of different types, grouped under a single name.

structure member::One of the elements of a structure.

structure pointer::A pointer to a structure. Structure pointers identify structure members by specifying the name of the structure, the pointer-member operator (–>), and the member name.

symbolic constant::An identifier defined in a #define preprocessor directive to represent a constant value.