
Version 3.0


int wvsprintf(lpOutput,lpFormat,lpArglist)

This function formats and stores a series of characters and values in a buffer. The items pointed to by the argument list are converted and output according to the corresponding format specification in the format string. The function appends a NULL to the end of the characters written, but the return value does not include the terminating null character in its character count.

Parameter Type/Description  

lpOutput LPSTR Points to a null-terminated character string to receive the formatted output.  
lpFormat LPSTR Points to a null-terminated character string that contains the format-control string. In addition to ordinary ASCII characters, a format specification for each argument appears in this string. See the description of the wsprintf function, earlier in this chapter, for more information on the format specification.  
lpArglist LPSTR Points to an array of words, each of which specifies an arguement for the format-control string. The number, type and interpretation of the arguments depend on the corresponding format-control character sequences in lpFormat. Each character or word-sized integer (%c, %d, %x, %i) requires one word in lpArglist. Long integers (%ld, %li, %lx) require two words, the low-order word of the integer followed by the high-order word. A string (%s) requires two words, the offset followed by the segment (which together make up a far pointer).  

Return Value

The return value is the number of characters stored in lpOutput, not counting the terminating NULL. If an error occurs, the function returns a value less than the length of lpFormat.