Version 3.0

Deleted Owner-Draw List-Box Item

The DELETEITEMSTRUCT structure describes a deleted owner-draw list-box or combo-box item. When an item is removed from the list box or combo box, or when the list box or combo box is destroyed, Windows sends the WM_DELETEITEM message to the owner for each deleted item; the lParam parameter of the message contains a pointer to this structure.

typedef struct tagDELETEITEMSTRUCT


WORD CtlType


WORD itemID;

HWND hwndItem;

DWORD itemData;


The DELETEITEMSTRUCT structure has the following fields:

Field Description  
CtlType Is ODT_LISTBOX (which specifies an owner-draw list box) or ODT_COMBOBOX (which specifies an owner-draw combo box).  
CtlID Is the control ID for the list box or combo box.  
itemID Is the index of the item in the list box or combo box being removed.  
hwndItem Is the window handle of the control.  
itemData Contains the value passed to the control in the lParam parameter of the LB_INSERTSTRING, LB_ADDSTRING, CB_INSERTSTRING, or CB_ADDSTRING message when the item was added to the list box.