.RC :The filename extension for a resource script file. The file lists every resource in an application; it is compiled by the Resource Compiler into a .RES file.

real mode (in Windows):An operating mode that provides compatibility with versions of Windows applications prior to 3.0. Real mode is the only mode of Windows 3.0 available for computers with less than 1 megabyte of extended memory.

regular expression:A text expression that specifies a pattern of text to be matched (as opposed to matching specific characters). CodeView supports a subset of the regular-expression characters used in the XENIX and UNIX operating systems. PWB supports both the full UNIX syntax and an extended Microsoft syntax for regular expressions.

relocatable:Not containing absolute addresses; therefore, eligible to be placed in memory at any location.

.RES :The filename extension for a compiled (binary) resource file. It can contain multiple resources, such as bitmaps, icons, menus, dialogs, and string tables.

resource :A read-only data file that Windows reads on demand from disk and is stored in an application's .EXE file or library's .DLL file.

Resource Compiler :Microsoft Windows Resource Compiler.

resource-script file :A file that defines all resources for an application. The Resource Compiler compiles the resource script file (.RC ) and adds the compiled resources to the application's executable file.

resource-script statements :Statements that define resources (cursors, icons, dialog boxes) contained in a .RC file.

RGB values :Red, green, and blue color values.

routine:A generic term for a procedure, function, or subroutine.

run time:The time during which a previously compiled and linked program is executing.

run-time library:A file containing standard functions for programs written in Microsoft CÒ.