scope:The parts of a program in which an item can be referenced by name. The scope of an item may be limited to the file, function, block, or function prototype in which it appears.

segment:A section of memory containing code or data, limited to 64K for 16-bit segments or 4 gigabytes for 32-bit segments. It also refers to the starting address of that memory area.

small memory model:A program with one code segment and only one data segment.

source file:A text file containing C-language code.

stack:A dynamically expanding and shrinking area of memory in which data items are stored in consecutive order and removed on a last-in, first-out basis. The stack is most commonly used to store information for function and procedure calls and for local variables.

stack probe:A short routine called on entry to a function to verify that there is enough room in the program stack to allocate local variables required by the function and, if so, to allocate those variables.

standard library:A library created by LIB that contains compiled routines and data. It is used to resolve references at link time.

standard mode:The normal Windows 3.0 operating mode that runs on the 80286–80486 processors. This and 386 enhanced mode are both referred to as protected mode in Windows and offer more capability than Windows real mode.

static:A storage class that allows variables to keep their values even after the program exits the block in which the variable is declared.

static linking :The combining of multiple object and library files into a single executable file, thereby resolving undefined external references.

string:An array of characters, terminated by a null character (\0).

string constant:A series of characters and escape sequences enclosed in double quotation marks (" ").

subscript expression:An expression, usually used to reference array elements, representing an address that is offset from a specified base address by a given number of positions.