text file:A file containing only ASCII characters in the range 1 to 127.
time stamp:The time of the last write operation to the file. Sometimes the term time stamp refers to the combination of the date and time of the last write operation. Also called modification time.
tiny memory model:A memory model that allows for only one segment, which contains both code and data, and that produces a .COM file.
toggle option :A source-code instruction that turns a condition off or on.
type cast:An operation in which a value of one type is converted to a value of a different type.
type casting:Including a type specifier in paren-theses in front of an expression to indicate the type of the expression's value.
type checking:An operation in which the compiler verifies that the operands of an operator are valid or that the actual arguments in a function call are of the same types as the corresponding formal parameters in the function definition and function prototype.
type declaration:A declaration that defines the name and members of a structure or union type, or the name and enumeration set of an enumeration type.