The .H file contains all the symbolic names you've defined for the current dialogs.
When you create a dialog control, it gets an ID number. You can also assign a symbolic name to the control, and can refer to the control by name or number in your code. The .H file associates symbolic names with corresponding ID numbers.
A typical .H file looks like this:
#define MYOPTION1 101
#define MYOPTION2 102
You can then refer to controls in this way:
BOOL FAR PASCAL FirstDlgProc(hDlg, wMessage, wParam, lParam)
switch (WM_COMMAND)
case IDOK :
/* Respond to Ok button here */
/* Respond to Cancel button here */
/* Respond to MyOption1 button here */
/* Respond to MyOption2 button here */
Remember that IDOK and IDCANCEL are predefined by Windows, and should be used for the OK and Cancel buttons in your dialog box.
Since they are text files, you may be tempted to modify the .DLG file and the .H file directly. However, the two are interdependent, and if you make a change to one file, you risk creating a conflict with the other. Also, changes you make in the .DLG file won't become a permanent part of a dialog because the .DLG file is only written by the editor, not read. The best way to modify a dialog is to load it into the editor and make the changes there.