Saving the Interface

When you save a prototyped application, QuickCase:W writes the current Windows database (.WIN) file to disk.

·To save the prototyped interface:

From the File menu, choose Save.

The first time you save a file, QuickCase:W invokes the Save As command, which lets you specify a name for the current file (Figure 5.16).

You can also use the Save As command to save a copy of an existing file under a new name.

·To save a file under a new name:

1.From the File menu, choose Save As.

2.Optionally, select the directory where you want to put the new file.

3.Type the new name for the file. If you do not include a file extension, QuickCase:W automatically appends the .WIN extension. Choose OK.

Using Save As to duplicate a file leaves the original file unchanged. Therefore, if you alter a file and then choose Save As, the changes are saved to the file with the new name, but the original file remains unchanged.