Generating Source Files

When QuickCase:W generates your application, it actually produces several files. The base name for each file is the same as the base name of the database (.WIN) file.

QuickCase:W produces one of each of the following files:

Header File (.H)

Source File (.C)

Resource Script File (.RC)

Module Definition File (.DEF)

Project File (.MAK)

The .H and .C files contain the code that will produce your program. The .RC, .DEF, and .MAK files are support files needed by the Quick Development Environment to produce a Windows application.

In the .C file, QuickCase:W uses standard C and Windows API calls and adds comments to make the program logic easy to follow. Where appropriate, QuickCase:W leaves blank sections in the source file for you to fill in with your own code.

Once you generate the files, you're ready to return to the Quick Development Environment and add the program's functionality. If you later revise the interface in QuickCase:W, you can still keep your changes in place by updating instead of generating.


If you make a change to a dialog box, you must update the source files in order to add the change to your application.