Using the Clipboard

The Image Editor lets you transfer images to and from the Clipboard using the Copy and Paste commands from the Edit menu.

Transferring images is useful for:

Loading an image created using Paintbrush or another paint program

Moving an image from one resource type to another, such as when using a cursor image to create an icon

Creating multiple device-specific versions of one image

The editor uses two data formats when transferring images to and from the Clipboard. To transfer opaque colors, the Image Editor uses the CF_BITMAP format. To transfer inverse colors, the editor uses a private format. Many drawing applications, such as Paintbrush, recognize the CF_BITMAP format.

The image you transfer from the Clipboard may be smaller or larger than the selected rectangular region of the image. By default, the selected region is the entire workspace; you can select a smaller region using the Pick Rectangle tool.

When the Clipboard image is not the same size as the selected region, the Image Editor displays a dialog box that gives you the following options:

Stretch/shrink Clipboard bitmap?

Clip Clipboard bitmap?

If you select the Stretch/shrink option, the Image Editor stretches or compresses the image as necessary. For details about this process, see the description of the StretchBlt function in the online reference.

If you select the Clip option, the Image Editor pastes the Clipboard bitmap to the screen, justified on the top left corners of the workspace and viewing area. The Image Editor modifies rows and columns of the image as follows:

Size of Clipboard Bitmap Rows and Columns Modified

Smaller than selected region Rows at the bottom and columns at the far right of the selected region remain unchanged.
Larger than selected region The Image Editor clips rows at the bottom and columns at the far right of the Clipboard bitmap.