TUTORIAL: Illustrates Source for Tutorial Examples
Tutorial includes three sample applications: PHBOOK, CMDBOOK, and DMTEST. These applications require special MFC libraries and include files; see the "MFC Libraries" and "MFC Include Files" abstracts to copy these files to your development system.
PHBOOK is a phone-list maintenance application and the subject of the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) tutorial. PHBOOK allows you to create, edit, print, and save lists of names and telephone numbers. See README.TXT for more information on building this application.
The PHBOOK source code illustrates the following concepts:
> MFC application organization
> Printing
> Dialog box management
> Coupling an abstract data model to a user interface
> Using MFC object serialization (CArchive class) to save and load user data.
PHBOOK requires: MLIBCEW.LIB (C Windows runtime library), LIBW.LIB (Windows library), either MAFXCW.LIB (MFC medium-model Windows retail library) or MAFXCWD.LIB (MFC medium-model Windows debug library), and COMMDLG.LIB.
CMDBOOK is an MS-DOS(R) application that implements a simple character-mode interface to the phone book database. CMDBOOK requires: MLIBCE.LIB (MS-DOS C medium-model runtime library), either MAFXCR.LIB (MFC medium-model MS-DOS retail library) or MAFXCRD.LIB (MFC medium-model MS-DOS debug library).
DMTEST is an MS-DOS application that tests the tutorial's data model classes. It has no other function. DMTEST requires: MLIBCE.LIB (MS-DOS C medium-model runtime library) and either MAFXCR.LIB (MFC medium-model MS-DOS retail library) or MAFXCRD.LIB (MFC medium-model MS-DOS debug library).
To build PHBOOK, CMDBOOK, and DMTEST, you must have Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 installed on your system.
{ewc navigate.dll, ewbutton, /Bcodeview /T"Click to open or copy files in the tutorial project." /C"samples}