VxD Tools: Used for Building Virtual Devices

These tools are needed for building virtual devices (VxDs). Use them in conjunction with the VxD include files (see the “VxD Include Files” abstract).

Copy these executable files to your hard drive in a subdirectory specified in your MS-DOS(R) environment variable PATH. If you have already installed the Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) Software Development Kit (SDK), you may copy these files into the executable files subdirectory (by default, WINDEV\BIN). The VxD tools include linkers and assemblers with unique names such as LINK386.EXE and MASM5.EXE, so they will not overwrite the standard MS-DOS and Windows SDK versions of the same utilities.

In addition to the standard development tools, this directory contains a debugging version of WIN386.EXE and symbolic information files for the debug and retail versions:

WIN386D.EXE - debugging version of WIN386.EXE

WIN386D.SYM - symbolic information file for debugging version

WIN386R.SYM - symbolic information file for retail version

These files can be used to switch between the retail and debugging versions of WIN386.EXE. You should use the debugging WIN386.EXE when developing virtual devices. The easiest way to switch between debug and retail versions is to write batch files that copy the appropriate versions of WIN386.EXE and WIN386.SYM from the TOOLS directory into your Windows SYSTEM directory. Before using your batch files for the first time, you will need to copy the retail WIN386.EXE from your Windows SYSTEM directory to the TOOLS directory and rename it as WIN386R.EXE. The technical article "The VxD-Lite Mini-DDK" contains sample batch files to perform this switching.

For more information on using the Microsoft Windows version 3.1 Device Driver Kit (DDK) files included on this CD, read the technical article "The VxD-Lite Mini-DDK." For more information on virtual device programming, see the DDK "Virtual Device Adaptation Guide."

{ewc navigate.dll, ewbutton, /Bcodeview /T"Click to open or copy files in the vxdtools project." /C"samples}