BOUNCER: Screen Saver that Bounces Bitmaps Across the Screen with Sound Effects

BOUNCER is a sample screen-saver application that bounces a bitmap across the screen and produces a sound when the bitmap image is at the bottom of the screen. BOUNCER demonstrates loading a device-independent bitmap (DIB) image, creating a timer to move the image, moving the image across the screen, and reading initial settings from WIN.INI.

BOUNCER handles the following command-line switches for debugging the screen-saver application:

> /c, -c, or c: Display configuration dialog box and return.

> /s, -s, or s: Start screen saver.

> Default: Display configuration dialog box and return.

When BOUNCER starts, it displays a dialog box with default values for the time interval, initial x position, initial y position, initial x velocity, gravity, bouncing sound, and pause at the bottom of the screen. The user can modify these options.

BOUNCER was built and tested under Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) version 3.1.

KEYWORDS: sndPlaySound; BitBlt; WriteProfileInt; WriteProfileString; SetTimer; ScreenSaverProc; RegisterDialogClasses; ScreenSaverConfigure; DefScreenSaverProc; WM_TIMER; WM_ERASEBKGND; GetClientRect; FillRect; GetStockObject; GetDlgItemInt; IsDlgButtonChecked; GetPrivateProfileInt; GetSystemMetrics; MAKEINTATOM;

{ewc navigate.dll, ewbutton, /Bcodeview /T"Click to open or copy files in the bouncer project." /C"samples}