DIBIT: Loads, Displays, and Stretches DIBs

DIBIT loads a device-independent bitmap (DIB) from a file, displays the DIB in the client area, and saves the DIB to a file. DIBIT also stretches the DIB to fit the current client area.

DIBIT is easy to use. Use the File menu to load and save the DIB. Choose SetDIBits, SetDIBitsToDevice, or StretchDIBits from the Options menu to specify how the DIB is displayed. Use the Palette menu to display the DIB using palette-relative RGBs or palette indexes.

DIBIT was built and tested under Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) version 3.1.

KEYWORDS: palette; RGB; index; StretchDIB; SetDIBits; SetDIBitsToDevice; DIB; OPENFILENAME; GlobalAlloc; GetOpenFileName; WM_PALETTECHANGE; CreatePalette; GetStockObject; BeginPaint; SelectPalette; RealizePalette; DIB_PAL_COLORS; DIB_RGB_COLORS; BitBlt; EndPaint; __lseek; _lread;

{ewc navigate.dll, ewbutton, /Bcodeview /T"Click to open or copy files in the dibit project." /C"samples}