MULTIPAL: Uses Multiple Palettes in a Single Application

MULTIPAL is a companion application for the technical article, "Palette Awareness." The program supports multiple palettes by selecting a dominant palette and prioritizing the other palettes in the background. The program prioritizes palettes when it handles and sends palette messages.

MULTIPAL is a multiple document interface (MDI) extension to the DIBIT sample program that accompanies the "Using DIBs with Palettes" technical article. MULTIPAL allows you to display multiple DIBs with multiple palettes and handles palette messaging from both the system perspective and the application perspective. The MDI skeleton is taken from the BLANDMDI program that is included in the Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) version 3.1 Software Development Kit (SDK). MULTIPAL achieves device independence by using palettes at all times, regardless of the type of device being used.

To see the application in action, open several color-intensive 8-bit device-independent bitmaps (DIBs) at the same time and change the active DIB window. To see the application's interaction with the rest of the system, run another application that uses palettes (another instance of MULTIPAL will do).

MULTIPAL was built and tested under Microsoft Windows version 3.1.

KEYWORDS: DIB; SelectPalette; RealizePalette; StretchDIBits

{ewc navigate.dll, ewbutton, /Bcodeview /T"Click to open or copy files in the multipal project." /C"samples}