PATCH: C7 Patch

Copy the contents of the distribution disk to the directory where you installed C/C++ 7.0 (for instance, C:\C700). From that directory, run this command:


The patch may take some time to complete; please be patient. The patch modifies the following components: LINK, LIB, IMPLIB, PWB (including PWB.EXE and PWBUTILS.MXT), CV and CVW (including the DLLs), CVPACK, TRACE, TXTONLY.OBJ, and GRAPHICS.LIB.

Please reference the PATCH.TXT file for more information.

To copy the patch to your harddisk click the BROWSE button and COPY button.

{ewc navigate.dll, ewbutton, /Bcodeview /T"BROWSE" /C"samplesOOLS7PAT}