SNOOP: Traps Recognition Results and Displays Best Guess
SNOOP is a pen application similar to Spy that watches and traps recognition results before an application can see them. SNOOP displays the symbol graph, the best guess of symbols, and raw data.
SNOOP demonstrates setting a systemwide recognition hook, processing WM_HOOKRCRESULT messages, redrawing ink exactly as entered using the RedisplayPenData function, and converting symbols to ANSI characters.
SNOOP requires Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) for Pen Computing. The program receives a WM_HOOKRCRESULT message whenever a WM_RCRESULT message is sent to an application running on the system. SNOOP deciphers the symbol graph, converts it into an ANSI string, and displays it. SNOOP also displays the lpsyv array or the "best guess" string of characters and the raw data with the same "look" as when it was entered.
If pen extensions are not loaded in memory, Windows displays an error message when you start SNOOP.
SNOOP was built and tested under Microsoft Windows version 3.1. The program requires PENWIN.DLL, which can be found in both Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing and the Microsoft Windows version 3.1 Software Development Kit (SDK).
KEYWORDS: SetRecogHook; SetWindowLong; RedisplayPenData; GetPenDataInfo; DrawMenuBar; DuplicatePenData;
{ewc navigate.dll, ewbutton, /Bcodeview /T"Click to open or copy files in the snoop project." /C"samples}