SMART ALLOC: Demonstrates _fmalloc and Microsoft(R) Windows(TM)

Smart Alloc allows programmers to experiment using the _fmalloc function in the Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) operating system. It is a companion program for the technical article "Allocating Memory the Old Fashioned Way: malloc and Windows Applications."

With Smart Alloc and Heap Walker, programmers can interactively explore the behavior of _fmalloc, _ffree, GlobalAlloc, GlobalFree, and _heapmin. They can allocate memory either using GlobalAlloc or _fmalloc, or from a DLL. They can determine when and how memory is allocated easily, without recompiling.

The source code for Smart Alloc also demonstrates some interesting features. Smart Alloc is a multiple-instance, large-model application when compiled with Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0. Another interesting feature of Smart Alloc is that it includes a dynamic link library (DLL) that intercepts all calls SMART.EXE makes to GlobalAlloc, GlobalReAlloc, and GlobalFree.

Smart Alloc was built with Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 and tested under Microsoft Windows version 3.1.

KEYWORDS: malloc, _fmalloc, GlobalAlloc, GlobalFree, _heapmin, free _ffree, large model, DLL, GMEM_SHARE, GMEM_DDESHARE GlobalReAlloc, GlobalAllocPtr, GlobalFreePtr

{ewc navigate.dll, ewbutton, /Bcodeview /T"Click to open or copy files in the smart project." /C"samples}