HOOKS: Uses SetWindowsHook to Install System Hooks

HOOKS uses the SetWindowsHook function to install the following system hooks: WH_CALLWNDPROC, WH_CBT, WH_GETMESSAGE, WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK, WH_JOURNALRECORD, WH_KEYBOARD, WH_MOUSE, WH_MSGFILTER, and WH_SYSMSGFILTER. The SetWindowsHook function allows message processing inside a dialog box or a message-box function.

When you select the System Hook command, HOOKS installs the system hook and displays information on the messages hooked.

HOOKS was built and tested under Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) version 3.1.

KEYWORDS: UnhookWindowsHookEx; TabbedTextOut; UnhookWindowsHook; PostQuitMessage; CallNextHookEx;

{ewc navigate.dll, ewbutton, /Bcodeview /T"Click to open or copy files in the hooks project." /C"samples}