MUSTEST: Custom Control Sample for Implementing a Spin Box

MUSTEST is an extension to the Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) interface. MUSTEST calls the dynamic link library (DLL) MUSCROLL.DLL that contains interface functions for the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) Dialog Editor.

MUSCROLL.DLL implements a miniature scrollbar that consists of only scroll arrows. Because MUSCROLL is much smaller than a standard scrollbar, it can be placed in an edit control to create a spin box (for examples, see Control Panel's Date/Time dialog box). When you click a scroll arrow, MUSCROLL sends scroll messages to its associate window. Initially, the associate window is the parent of the control and can do whatever it desires with the messages. MUSCROLL also provides a cut-and-paste spin box implementation.

For a complete list of the programming interface, messages, and functions, see the MUSCROLL.TXT file.

MUSTEST was built and tested under Microsoft Windows version 3.1.

{ewc navigate.dll, ewbutton, /Bcodeview /T"Click to open or copy files in the muscroll project." /C"samples}