

  int wvsprintf(lpszOutput, lpszFormat, lpvArglist)    
  LPSTR lpszOutput; /* address of output destination */
  LPCSTR lpszFormat; /* address of format string */
  const void FAR* lpvArglist; /* address of array of arguments */

The wvsprintf function formats and stores a series of characters and values in a buffer. The items pointed to by the argument list are converted according to the corresponding format specification in the format string.



Points to a null-terminated string to receive the string formatted as specified in the lpszFormat parameter.


Points to a null-terminated string that contains the format-control string. In addition to the standard ASCII characters, a format specification for each argument appears in this string. For more information about the format specification, see the description of the wsprintf function.


Points to an array of 16-bit values, each of which specifies an argument for the format-control string. The number, type, and interpretation of the arguments depend on the corresponding format-control character sequences specified in the lpszFormat parameter. Each character or 16-bit integer (%c, %d, %x, %i) requires one word in lpvArglist. Long integers (%ld, %li, %lx) require two words, the low-order word of the integer followed by the high-order word. A string (%s) requires two words, the offset followed by the segment (which together make up a far pointer).

Return Value

The return value is the number of bytes stored in the lpszOutput string, not counting the terminating null character, if the function is successful.

See Also
