

  #include <toolhelp.h>    

  BOOL ClassNext(lpce)    
  CLASSENTRY FAR* lpce; /* address of structure for class info */

The ClassNext function fills the specified structure with general information about the next class in the Windows class list.



Points to a CLASSENTRY structure that will receive the class information. The CLASSENTRY structure has the following form:

#include <toolhelp.h>

typedef struct tagCLASSENTRY {  /* ce */
    DWORD   dwSize;
    HMODULE hInst;
    char    szClassName[MAX_CLASSNAME + 1];
    WORD    wNext;

For a full description of this structure, see the Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference, Volume 3.

Return Value

The return value is nonzero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.


The ClassNext function can be used to continue a walk through the Windows class list started by the ClassFirst function.

For more specific information about an individual class, use the GetClassInfo function with the name of the class and instance handle from the CLASSENTRY structure.

See Also
