

  #include <toolhelp.h>    

  BOOL SystemHeapInfo(lpshi)    
  SYSHEAPINFO FAR* lpshi; /* address of heap-info structure */

The SystemHeapInfo function fills the specified structure with information that describes the USER.EXE and GDI.EXE heaps.



Points to a SYSHEAPINFO structure to receive information about the USER and GDI heaps. The SYSHEAPINFO structure has the following form:

#include <toolhelp.h>

typedef struct tagSYSHEAPINFO {  /* shi */
    DWORD   dwSize;
    WORD    wUserFreePercent;
    WORD    wGDIFreePercent;
    HGLOBAL hUserSegment;
    HGLOBAL hGDISegment;

For a full description of this structure, see the Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference, Volume 3.

Return Value

The return value is nonzero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.


This function is included for advisory purposes. Before calling SystemHeapInfo, an application must initialize the SYSHEAPINFO structure and specify its size, in bytes, in the dwSize member.