Font-directory data consists of a font count and one or more font directory entries.
The font count is an integer that specifies the number of fonts in the resource. This value also corresponds to the number of font directories and font components.
The font directory is a collection of font metrics for a particular font. These metrics specify the point size for the font, aspect ratio, stroke width, and so on. The FontDirEntry structure has the following form:
struct FontDirEntry {
WORD fontOrdinal;
WORD dfVersion;
DWORD dfSize;
char dfCopyright[60];
WORD dfType;
WORD dfPoints;
WORD dfVertRes;
WORD dfHorizRes;
WORD dfAscent;
WORD dfInternalLeading;
WORD dfExternalLeading;
BYTE dfItalic;
BYTE dfUnderline;
BYTE dfStrikeOut;
WORD dfWeight;
BYTE dfCharSet;
WORD dfPixWidth;
WORD dfPixHeight;
BYTE dfPitchAndFamily;
WORD dfAvgWidth;
WORD dfMaxWidth;
BYTE dfFirstChar;
BYTE dfLastChar;
BYTE dfDefaultChar;
BYTE dfBreakChar;
WORD dfWidthBytes;
DWORD dfDevice;
DWORD dfFace;
DWORD dfReserved;
char szDeviceName[];
char szFaceName[];
For a full description of these members, see the TEXTMETRIC and LOGFONT structures in the Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference, Volume 3.