lpdRecordType db 0B6h ; LPUBDEF record; 0B7h also allowed
lpdLength dw ? ; length of record
lpdBaseGrp db ? ; base group
db ? ; base group (conditional)
lpdBaseSeg db ? ; base segment
db ? ; base segment (conditional)
lpdBaseFrame dw ? ; base frame (conditional)
; next 4 fields repeated
lpdNameLength db ? ; length of name
lpdName db ? dup(?) ; local name (variable-length)
lpdLocalOffset dw ? ; local offset
lpdTypeIndex db ? ; type index
db ? ; type index (conditional)
lpdCheckSum db ? ; checksum
The LPUBDEF record is identical in form to the PUBDEF record. However, the symbols named in this record are visible only inside the module in which they are defined.
For complete details about the members in this record, see the PUBDEF record in The MS-DOS Encyclopedia.
In C, the static keyword on functions or initialized variables produces LPUBDEF records. Uninitialized static variables produce LCOMDEF records.