
struct {
    DWORD rdSize;
    WORD  rdFunction;
    WORD  rdParm[];



Specifies the record size, in words.


Specifies the GDI function number 0x0D33.


Contains the following elements:

Element Description

wUsage Flag indicating whether the bitmap color table contains RGB values or indexes to the currently realized logical palette
numscans Number of scan lines in the bitmap
startscan First scan line in the bitmap
srcY Y-coordinate for the origin of the source rectangle in the bitmap
srcX X-coordinate for the origin of the source rectangle in the bitmap
extY Height of the source rectangle in the bitmap
extX Width of the source rectangle in the bitmap
destY Y-coordinate of the origin of the destination rectangle
destX X-coordinate of the origin of the destination rectangle
BitmapInfo BITMAPINFO structure (For a description of the BITMAPINFO structure, see the Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference, Volume 3.)
bits Actual device-independent bitmap bits