
errnz <expression>

The errnz macro evaluates a given expression. If the result is not zero, an error is displayed.



Specifies the expression to be evaluated. Angle brackets are required if there are any spaces in the expression.


The following examples demonstrate the usage of the errnz macro:

x       db      ?
y       db      ?

mov     ax, word ptr x
errnz   <(OFFSET y) - (OFFSET x) -1>

If during assembly, x and y receive anything but sequential storage locations, the errnz macro displays an error message.

table1   struc
table1len equ  $-table1
table1    ends

table2    struc
table2len equ  $-table2
table2    ends

errnz   table1Len-table2Len

If during assembly the length of two tables is not the same, the errnz macro displays an error message.