7.7.2 Adding Definitions to the Header File

You must declare each menu identifier in your application's header file. These constants are used both in the C-language source file and in the resource-definition file.

A menu identifier can be any integer value. The only restriction is that it must be unique within a menu, because no two items in a menu can have the same identifier.

Add the following lines to the header file:

#define IDM_ABOUT 100

/* File-menu items */

#define     IDM_NEW      101
#define     IDM_OPEN     102
#define     IDM_SAVE     103
#define     IDM_SAVEAS   104
#define     IDM_PRINT    105
#define     IDM_EXIT     106

/* Edit-menu items */

#define     IDM_UNDO     200
#define     IDM_CUT      201
#define     IDM_COPY     202
#define     IDM_PASTE    203
#define     IDM_CLEAR    204