3.10 Communication Functions

Communication functions carry out communications through the serial and parallel I/O ports of the system. Following are the communication functions:

Function Description

BuildCommDCB Fills a device control block with control codes.
ClearCommBreak Clears the break state from a communications device.
CloseComm Closes a communications device after transmitting the current buffer.
EnableCommNotification Enables/disables WM_COMMNOTIFY posting to window.
EscapeCommFunction Directs a device to carry out an extended function.
FlushComm Flushes characters from a communications device.
GetCommError Fills a buffer with the communication status.
GetCommEventMask Retrieves and then clears an event mask.
GetCommState Fills a buffer with a device control block.
OpenComm Opens a communications device.
ReadComm Reads the bytes from a communications device into a buffer.
SetCommBreak Sets a break state on a communications device.
SetCommEventMask Retrieves and then sets an event mask on a communications device.
SetCommState Sets a communications device to the state specified by the device control block.
TransmitCommChar Places a character at the head of the transmit queue.
UngetCommChar Specifies which character will be read next.
WriteComm Writes the bytes from a buffer to a communications device.