2.2.4 Drawing-Tool Functions

Drawing-tool functions create and delete the drawing tools that GDI uses when it creates output on a device or display surface. Following are the drawing-tool functions:

Function Description

CreateBrushIndirect Creates a logical brush.
CreateDIBPatternBrush Creates a logical brush that has a pattern defined by a device-independent bitmap (DIB).
CreateHatchBrush Creates a logical brush that has a hatched pattern.
CreatePatternBrush Creates a logical brush that has a pattern defined by a memory bitmap.
CreatePen Creates a logical pen.
CreatePenIndirect Creates a logical pen.
CreateSolidBrush Creates a logical brush.
DeleteObject Deletes a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, or region.
EnumObjects Enumerates the available pens or brushes.
GetBrushOrg Retrieves the current brush origin for a device context.
GetBrushOrgEx Retrieves the origin of the current brush.
GetObject Copies the bytes of logical data that define an object.
GetStockObject Retrieves a handle of one of the predefined stock pens, brushes, fonts, or color palettes.
IsGDIObject Determines if handle is not GDI object.
SelectObject Selects an object as the current object.
SetBrushOrg Sets the origin of all brushes selected into a given device context.
UnrealizeObject Directs GDI to reset the origin of the given brush.