3.13 Debugging Functions

Debugging functions help locate programming errors in an application or library. Following are the debugging functions:

Function Description

DebugBreak Causes a breakpoint exception to occur in the calling function.
DebugOutput Sends messages to the debugging terminal.
DirectedYield Forces execution of a specified task to continue.
FatalAppExit Displays a message and then exits the application.
FatalExit Displays the current state of Windows and prompts for instructions on how to proceed.
GetSystemDebugState Returns system-state information to a debugger.
GetWinDebugInfo Queries current system-debugging information.
LockInput Locks input to all tasks except the current one.
OutputDebugString Sends a debugging message to the debugger if present, or to the AUX device if the debugger is not present.
QuerySendMessage Determines if a message originated in a task.
SetWinDebugInfo Sets current system-debugging information.
ValidateCodeSegments Determines whether any code segments have been altered by random memory overwrites.
ValidateFreeSpaces Checks free segments in memory for valid contents.