Windows color palettes allow an application to use as many colors as needed without interfering with its own color display or colors displayed by other windows. Following are the functions an application calls to use color palettes:
AnimatePalette |
Replaces entries in a logical palette; Windows maps the new entries into the system palette immediately. |
CreatePalette |
Creates a logical palette. |
GetNearestColor |
Retrieves the solid color closest to a specified logical color that a given device can represent. |
GetNearestPaletteIndex |
Retrieves the index of a logical palette entry most nearly matching a specified RGB value. |
GetPaletteEntries |
Retrieves entries from a logical palette. |
GetSystemPaletteEntries |
Retrieves a range of palette entries from the system palette. |
GetSystemPaletteUse |
Determines whether an application has access to the full system palette. |
ResizePalette |
Changes the size of the specified logical palette. |
SetPaletteEntries |
Sets new palette entries in a logical palette; Windows does not map the new entries to the system palette until the application realizes the logical palette. |
SetSystemPaletteUse |
Allows an application to use the full system palette. |
UpdateColors |
Performs a pixel-by-pixel translation of each pixel's current color to the system palette. This process allows an inactive window to correct its colors without redrawing its client area. |
For more information about these USER functions, see Chapter 1, “Window Management.”