1.1 Hardware and Software Requirements

You can install and use the SDK on any computer that meets the minimum qualifications for Windows version 3.1. However, for application development, the following hardware is recommended:

A personal computer using an 80386 or higher microprocessor

4 megabytes of conventional and extended memory

One 3.5-inch (1.44 megabyte) disk drive or a CD-ROM drive.

One hard disk with at least 40 megabytes available space

A graphics adapter and compatible monitor

A MicrosoftÒ Mouse or compatible pointing device (required for some development tools)

In addition to a computer for application development, many developers use one or more extra computers to test their applications under different memory and display configurations. Although extra computers are not required, they are recommended.

Before you install the SDK, be sure that the following software is already installed on your system:

MicrosoftÒ MS-DOSÒ operating system version 3.1 or later

Windows version 3.1

Any compiler or assembler (and accompanying linker) that supports Windows application development